Thursday, January 22, 2009

Continued Levine.

With no class on Monday, we began our week on Wednesday were we continued to discuss the poems that we were assigned in class. With continued research in Philip Levine I found out his sarcastic voice didn't end with his poems, but extended into his daily routine. Dr. Hollingsworth mentioned that he had a twin brother. Maybe in his poem "What Work Is" when he talked about seeing his brother, he possibly could have been looking inward to himself, instead of another person. Maybe he was making a bigger connection between his working self and his lazy self, I don't really know. This could be similar to the comparison between Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hide.

Or Levine could be discovering the hard working people from his hometown Detroit, Michigan compared to others in their trades from different locations. Again something to think about. Levine didn't only use enjambment, and repetition of lines, he also used anaphora, and a sarcastic voice make a particular part of the poem shine, and highlight a change of tone.

So far we have discovered New Criticism, and now we are beginning to discuss Psychoanalytic Criticism. For Monday 1/26 a short paper on a close reading of one of the poems is due. I will be choosing Philip Levine's "What Work Is."

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